Made in the USA
We make Bullibones right here in the USA so we know for sure what goes into them. You see, this company began because we love our dogs. They’re part of our families, and we want what’s best for them. We would do anything for our pets and that love extends into ensuring the quality and safety of the things they chew on.
Shop Dog Toys Made in The USA
Bones are available in all dog sizes – the perfect toy for every dog. Shop our wide range of tough toy flavors and sizes for your aggressive chewer today!
Not All Chew Toys are Equal
Sometimes inferior materials and methods are used in offshore production of pet products which can make it hard to know exactly what your dog is consuming. In order to ensure that Bullibones are safe and healthy dog chews, we start with raw materials that are made here in the USA. From the flavoring to the nylon, everything has been designed to give our best friends a better life thanks to products of the finest quality.
A Safe USA Dog Toy Means A Healthier Dog
One of the biggest problems pet owners face is maintaining the health of their dogs’ teeth. Dogs need things to chew on like they did in the wild which allowed them to naturally strengthen their teeth. Bullibones are designed to be non-toxic toys, extra fun, and beneficial for your dogs’ health.
Each durable toy is ingestible. We only use 2 ingredients per bone, a natural flavor such as real bacon, beef or peanut butter and a high-grade fiber like nylon. The nylon is non-reactive and a safe rawhide alternative, your dog will probably swallow little bits of the chew toy material but it is designed to just pass through like fiber. So the word “edible” refers to food. Our nylon dog bones are toys and not intended to be food.

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