The benefits of having a strong bond between you and your dog have been well documented. We know that having a furry companion promotes emotional and physical health and can be one of life’s most rewarding relationships.
You already know your dog makes you happy, but do you know how to tell if a dog is happy? Here are some tips on how to bond with your dog and how to tell if they are truly happy to ensure their pups keep their tails wagging for years.

Do those moments of eye contact with your pup ever feel like true soul gazing? That soft look in your dog’s eyes signals they’re at peace in your presence.
Dogs use their body to show happiness, but it isn’t only a tail wag you should look for. Open and relaxed mouths and a loose flop in their ears are also prime indicators you’re doing something right as pet parent.

Whether you’re away for an hour or an entire afternoon, your pup should be ecstatic to see you return. Visible signs of this may include affection through licks or positive body language, such as jumping up to greet you, intense tail wagging, and running around the house with a celebratory lap.
On the other hand, if your furry friend barely lifts their head off the floor when you get home, it could be signs of lethargy or anxiety, symptoms of illness or stress, or a disconnect in your relationship.

A drop in appetite is one of the easiest ways to spot a potential pet health concern. The same goes for an overall sense of restlessness between meals. It is completely normal for a puppy or an older dog to sleep up to sixteen hours a day (I know, I’m jealous too), so if your pup seems to be dragging its paws, looks tired, but never fully falling asleep, it may be time to spice up playtime.

Happy dogs are engaged and active. Often they will have a wagging tail and interact with your movements. If your dog is withdrawn and less interactive, it’s probably time to mix up your routine, but also make sure you are giving your dog consistent attention and playtime.
Adding new, unique dog toys to your mix of activities is a great first step to increasing their interest in playtime. (Make sure it is safe to chew and doesn’t have harmful ingredients!)

Everyone has been in this situation, you return home from buying groceries, and the house looks like a crime scene. Somehow the banana peel from two nights ago is wedged between the couch cushions. There are coffee grounds spread across the rug, and a shredded trash bag cries for help in the middle of the room. This crime could have been avoided. You need to realize how important it is to reinforce healthy chewing habits for your dog and healthy outlets for their natural instincts. You don’t want your house to be a mess, but you certainly don’t want to see excessive chewing in dogs where they get sick.
Keep them occupied and happy! They need a durable, healthy, and safe chew toy to stimulate them physically and mentally. Our Spin-A-Bones spin on the ground like a top, allowing your dog to chase, catch, and chew. They are fully patented toys for dogs that move and create a world of excitement!
Do you love making your dog happy?
Don’t you love to see your dog’s tail wagging with excitement? Want to try something new and fun for you and your dog? Get your happy dog some nylon dog bones by Bullibone today!