What is left to say about dogs that haven’t already been said? They are a true gift to humans. It’s almost impossible to list all the benefits of having a dog. They make us laugh. They are always excited to see us. They are there for us when we are feeling down. They provide immediate entertainment when we are bored. But guess what? Dogs can get bored too! And if you don’t want your dog to become bored or, even worse – destructive – then it’s essential to know how to understand the cure for dog boredom. We can do plenty of things as pet owners that will help keep our furry friend happy and un-bored! (Is un-bored a word…?)
Why your dog gets bored
Dogs are social animals. They need to be part of a family. They want to belong to a pack and a community. They tend to thrive if they have structure in their lives. They need things to do.
That’s why you might have a bored dog – because they have nothing to do.

Signs of boredom in dogs
- Your dog has a tendency to chew on things.
- Barking or whining in an attempt to get your attention. (especially if he or she has been left alone for long periods of time)
- Excessive barking
- Excessive licking
- Any attempt to get your attention
- Your dog is acting bored. Lol.
These are some clear indicators that your dog is bored. And boredom often leads to anxiety and frustration for both the dog and the dog owner. It is usually just a lack of stimulation but in some instances could also mean that there’s something wrong with your pet’s environment—a common cause of destructive behavior in dogs who are bored at home.
What to do about a bored dog
For a bored dog, the best thing you can do is to provide mental stimulation. You can expose them to new sights and sounds. You can expose them to new scents and experiences.
If all else fails and your dog isn’t getting enough exercise or playtime with other dogs, you could always consider getting involved with canine sports like flyball or agility, which require lots of running around. That might be a little extreme, but games will keep them occupied and burn off some of their energy.
If none of these boredom busters work for you, then perhaps you should check out a local dog trainer or introduce new toys that might appeal to them.
Take the time to bond with your dog
You may not realize it, but your dog is a needy little critter. They need food and water. They need to be taken out for walks. They need attention from the only person in the whole world that matters to them, you! Take some time to make sure you are meeting their needs and watch how much more impactful it is when your dog knows how important they are to you. Bonding with your dog will be easier than ever before!
Play games with your dog
Let’s think about why you got a dog in the first place. It wasn’t to sit around and be bored together. You got that new friend so you could go out and play together! Go have some fun with your furry friend. Games are an excellent way to spend time with your pet. They’re engaging and they help keep the two of you connected.
Introduce different dog toys
Dog toys are a great way to keep the little rascals occupied. It can also be a good way for you and your pooch to bond. Think of how much you used to love toys when you were younger. Well, toys are fun for dogs. We are sure you’ve noticed they have favorite toys they carry all over the house. The right dog toys can also encourage mental stimulation, and chew toys specifically can help with dental health. There are so many dog toys out there it can make it hard to choose which type is perfect- from nylon dog bones to plush toys, puzzle toys to tug toys, the options are endless. You should test out different chew toys and interactive toys to find out which awesome toy is the best boredom buster for your household. You should always go for a dog toy made in the USA by a trusted brand.
Get involved with dog sports
- Dog agility – Have you ever run your dog around an obstacle course? Pure joy.
- Dog obedience – Have you set a dog training routine with your pup? Have you taught them how to patiently wait for dog treats? It feels good when you finally get it.
- Canine freestyle – Have you ever watched a bunch of dogs race through tunnels and weave around poles? What about jumping over barriers to win points? Pure bliss.
- Canine disc – Have you ever watched a dog dropping discs into baskets at the end of an obstacle course? The ancient sport became popular in England in the early 1900s. Talk about going old school.
Provide mental stimulation.
Dogs need mental stimulation. It’s a fact. They are incredibly intelligent and can’t be cooped up in a house all day without an outlet for their brilliant minds. They can get bored easily, and if they are not kept occupied, the result is often destructive behavior like chewing or barking. Dogs are our best friends, but if you leave them alone for too long, you are asking for trouble, and it usually comes when they start acting out in frustration or boredom.
Try adding some mental stimulation into your dog’s day:
- Take your dog to the dog park to play fetch
- Try an obedience dog training program
- Enroll them in doggy daycare a few times a week so they can play with other doggy friends
- Hire a dog walker or pet sitter if you work a lot and are away from home

Expose your dog to new sights, sounds, and smells.
I know it’s cute to watch your dog sleep in a puddle of drool, but why not try taking him on walks or playdates with other dogs? The more they get exposed to other animals, the better they learn about what it means to be a member of a pack.
You have the power to help make a dog’s life less boring!
It’s recommended to feed your dog a diet that’s high in protein and low in fat because, apparently, fat makes a dog sleepy. There are always conflicting studies about diets, but one thing we know for certain is if your dog’s diet is making them sleepy they are less likely to play. But if their diet makes them energetic, they will want to play. More play means more entertainment. More entertainment means they will be less likely to get bored.
Speaking of entertainment, toys are great for keeping dogs entertained! A good question to ask yourself: “What might be their next favorite toy?” We recommend trying out toys for dogs that move so that they can easily entertain themselves.

Prevent boredom in dogs with Bullibone
Dog lovers unite to help cure dog boredom. As a pet parent, you have the power to avoid the plague of dog boredom. Let’s unite to keep your pooch entertained and engaged with life. You are now equipped with answers to the question every dog owner wants to know “Is my dog bored?” You can start making a difference in your pet’s life today by encouraging them to play with their friends and do things that get them fired up.
“If there is one thing I’ve learned from being a dog owner, it’s that dog health isn’t just about feeding them healthy meals every day. We should focus on bolstering enrichment in their lives through mental exercise, physical exercise, and positive reinforcement.” – Bullibone CEO
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