The Best Way To Clean Dogs Teeth

Hopefully, we all brush our teeth daily and make sure we maintain proper dental health. We know how important it is for us, but it’s equally as important in dogs. Proper dental care to maintain good oral health is important for a jaw full of muscles and a mouth full of powerful teeth. Proper dental health is linked with a reduction in tooth decay and gum disease. It also helps reduce the instance of all sorts of other oral infections. Do you ever get a kiss from your furry little friend and gag because their breath smells like they were outside chomping on some poop? Poor dental hygiene is one of the most common causes of bad breath. It can also cause pain and discomfort while eating. Not to be dramatic, but it can even lead to tooth loss in the worst scenarios.

Did you know poor dental hygiene can also lead to serious health issues like heart and liver diseases? Most people don’t know this. Many dog owners overlook the importance of dental care for their furry friends because dogs are not very vocal about their discomfort. Well… they don’t really know how to speak, so I guess that makes sense. Dog owners need to make sure their pups receive proper dental care. This can include professional care, brushing their teeth at home with dog toothpaste, a dog toy that cleans teeth, etc.

One of the easiest ways to maintain healthy and clean dog teeth is through chewing dental bones for dogs such as the Bullibone SuperBrush. This toy was specially designed to clean a dog’s teeth and gums as they chew on them. These nylon bones for dogs come in three ingredients: super greens, apple cinnamon or peppermint. They use high-grade nylon and baking soda that is shown to help in breaking down tartar and plaque on dog teeth.

Removing plaque buildup on your dog’s teeth is key to a clean and healthy mouth. With our SuperBrush, that task is easier to accomplish. Not only will the SuperBrush clean those hard-to-reach spots in between teeth, but it also contains apple and cinnamon extract, which studies have shown to have other benefits for your pup’s overall health.

The way it works is simple. As your dog chews on the SuperBrush, it frays, creating baking soda-filled bristles. These bristles work their way between teeth, removing plaque that causes bacteria and helping end bad breath.

The benefits of Bullibone’s bones for dog’s teeth are numerous. First, they help clean a dog’s teeth and gums. The chewing action helps to remove tartar and plaque buildup, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Additionally, the bones help in strengthening a dog’s teeth and gums. Chewing on bones helps to exercise a dog’s jaw muscles and promotes healthy gums and clean teeth.

Bullibone also helps to prevent bad breath in dogs. Bad breath is often caused by poor oral health and is a common dental problem among dogs. It’s caused by improper teeth brushing or other health issues. Chewing on dental cleaning bones helps to remove bacteria and food particles from a dog’s mouth and helps to prevent bad breath.

Another benefit is that they help to reduce a dog’s anxiety and stress. Dogs are naturally inclined to chew on things. They are little chewing machines. Chewing on a dental chew toy can help to satisfy this urge while promoting regular brushing. Additionally, chewing on Bullibone dental chews releases endorphins in a dog’s brain. They are hard-wired to exercise their powerful jaws, which can help to reduce their anxiety and stress levels.

How To Choose The Right Bullibone For Your Dog

When choosing the perfect Bullibone for your dog, you should ensure it’s the right size and style. If they are too small can be a choking hazard, while bones that are too large can cause damage to a dog’s teeth and gums. Jumbo Spin-a-Bones are great for large dogs, and the small alien toy is perfect for little pups.

It is also important to note that dogs are picky with flavoring. While some prefer peanut butter dog toys, others might prefer bacon flavor dog chew toys or even peppermint dog toys. But whatever the flavor you choose is, you can rest assured that Bullibones are a great rawhide alternative and free from artificial ingredients or chemicals that can be harmful to a dog’s health.

Dog’s dental health can be an essential part of their overall lifespan. Proper dental hygiene can help prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral infections. So make some nylon chew toys a regular part of your dog’s routine.