Travel Tips For A Road Trip With A Dog

Being in nature is one of the dogs’ favorite things, and is exactly what makes a road trip with a dog so rewarding.

We’ve created a list of tips for how to have the best car ride experience with your dog, whether you’re headed somewhere close by or on a cross country road trip.

1. Pick the right gear!

Ensure you have the appropriate harness and leash for the trails or other activities you are about to venture off to. Choosing the right one can make a world of a difference since it provides both safety and comfort for your furry friend (which equates to peace of mind as a dog owner).

Some factors you must consider when choosing your set are:

Size: Bigger dogs are much stronger than smaller dogs, so they need thicker leashes to keep control.

Age: Puppies and younger dogs need stronger leashes depending on how well trained they are. If they are not used to walking on a leash yet, you might consider a shorter leash so you can have better control of them.

Landscape: Where you plan on visits will impact what kind of leash is needed. If you plan on visiting the countryside, your dogs will have more room to explore, so they could use longer leashes. Now, if you plan on a city break, you’ll definitely need shorter leashes to keep them safe near busy streets. 

Breed: Some breeds can experience serious health problems if you use the wrong leash. That’s especially important for dogs prone to tracheal collapses, like pugs.

Here are a few popular collars and harness options:

  • Flat Collar: Standard collar required for all dogs but only suitable for walking the most controlled.
  • Martingale Collar: Has a second loop that tightens under pressure to dissuade basic pulling.
  • Back-Clip Harness: Clips to your dog’s back for easy, tangle-free walking but not for pull-happy pups.
  • Front-Clip Harness: Clips to your dog’s chest to help correct pulling. Some have Martingale loops.
  • Dual-Clip Harness: Versatile, clipping to either back or chest (or both).
  • Head Halter: Clips under the jaw, looks like a muzzle, and can be uncomfortable, but is a pain-free way to control large, very undisciplined dogs.

Now for the leash, you also need to find the one best suited for your plans.

  • Flat Leads
    The flat lead is the standard type of dog leash. It is usually made of nylon or rope, and it can be thick or thin. Not ideal if your dog is a runner.
  • Bungee Lead 
    Bungee leashes are the most popular choice of active dog owners. The elasticity protects you and your dog from the strain caused by strong and abrupt pulls.
  • Retractable
    Retractable dog leashes allow your dog to run much farther than the average leash without any hassle. Great for the countryside, not so great for abrupt pulls, especially when used on a collar instead of a harness. 

    These are only a few of the dozens of varieties you have to mix and match. 

2. Air conditioning in the car

Care must be taken with the high temperature during travel. It is recommended that owners always choose to transport with the air conditioning on, to prevent the dogs from having some kind of indisposition during the journey. Also, when rolling down your windows, make sure your dog has the proper car leash on. You’d be surprised by how often dogs jump out the windows. 

3. Gradual adaptation

It’s a good idea for any pet owner that intends to take a long trip with their dog to start the process gradually. The ideal approach is for the owner to start making short trips with their pet until the pup gets used to being in the back seat, with their car leash on. If you’re looking for ideas on where to travel with your dog, here is a list of our favorite places to road trip with a dog in the united states:

  • White Sands National Park
  • San Juan Island
  • Anywhere with a dog beach
  • San Francisco
  • Los Angeles
  • Grand Canyon
  • South Carolina
  • St. Louis
  • Anywhere in the Pacific Northwest

4. Fasting on trips

Fasting the animal is a prevention tip for a trip without surprises. Some pets can get sick from the movement of the car, causing many of them to vomit. Ideally, pets should fast for two hours before starting the trip.

5. Stops

On longer journeys, it is recommended that the driver of the vehicle make a rest stop every 2 hours so their furry friend can drink some water and go potty. Make sure you don’t forget to pack the poop bags and if you have a new puppy we recommend laying out of puppy pad in the car for your pup to avoid any unwanted accidents.

6. Bring entertainment.

The perfect summer trip is about balance. You can’t hike or swim for 24 hours straight. Just like we need to stop and read a book every once in a while, dogs also need a quiet activity for those downtimes. Lucky Bullibone has just launched a new toy inspired by our love for summer! 

Meet Heart Bone.
Your dog’s new favorite chew toy!

These long-lasting chew toys are here to help clean your dog’s teeth, fight gum diseases, and improve your furry one’s mental health by helping release separation anxiety. All while giving hours of entertainment to your pup! 

With ergonomic paw pad handles for ease of grip and a heart-shaped top that frays while chewed, designed to scrape away plaque and food residue, the Heart bone is the perfect toy for the active, gnawing jaws of puppies, and power chewers. As always, owners and Vet recommended.

Now that you have the rundown of what you need to do before a trip, all that’s left to do is pack up and have fun! 

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