The Spin-a-bone

Puppies come with their own unique traits, personality, and mental and physical needs. One of the most important things we can do to ensure we have a healthy dog is easily overlooked. Yeah! We are talking about playtime.

toys for dogs that move

But playing has even more benefits than we realize, especially when that play involves a bit of a challenge. Just like children, play-time is when our dogs learn and develop their brains, social skills, and exercise. Yup… It truly is an all-in-one time.

Since most of us, working bipeds, don’t have the time and energy to give out pups the attention they need, we decided to create the Spin-a-Bone, an interactive chew toy designed to bring out your dog’s natural hunting, chasing, and playing instincts. It allows your dog to engage in solo playtime and is fully chewable once they catch it.

So, what better way to give both of you what you need, and improve your dog’s health than by helping them engage in play, hunting, and chasing while you are out and about doing boring human stuff? Spin-a-Bones are toys for dogs that move – thus making them a great way to meet your dog’s chewing needs while also improving their dental hygiene and working on their mental health and separation anxiety for those with working humans as tutors.

If you are still asking yourself “Why should I get this for my dogs?” Here are a few of the main reasons why.

  • PERFECT SIZE: These spinning nylon dog bones for aggressive chewers come in two sizes. Regular, perfect for small and medium dogs, and Jumbo, the perfect match for big aggressive chewers. These interactive dog toys relieve boredom and anxiety. Satisfy your dogs chewing instincts and help keep your dog happy and engaged.
  • DOG TOYS MADE IN THE USA: We are an independent, American company and proudly stand behind every dog treat we make. Don’t rely on Chinese dog toys for your loved one, buy American made products
  • FUN TO USE: These are long-lasting dog chews, with multiple chew heads and an elevated, spinning base for fun, interactive engagement. These dog toys for aggressive chewers are great for triggering natural instincts and occupying power chewers
  • DENTAL HYGIENE: Teeth cleaning material massages gums to help clean dogs teeth and promote oral health. Vet recommended for oral hygiene and dog teeth cleaning. Save money on vets bills and chewed up shoes with our power chew bones
  • PERMEATED WITH FLAVOR: Dog toys for aggressive chewers are infused with an irresistible Bacon taste dogs love. Not sprayed on top, these durable dog toys for boredom are 100% safe, with long-lasting natural flavor from the first bite to the last

Both in regular and jumbo, for aggressive chewer, the Spin-a-bone is a guaranteed hit!
So hurry up and get your paws on a Spin-a-bone!

toys for dogs that move